Diana Krall

New employees shuttled from airport to hotel from Tuesday- Thursday

Meet and greet- Friday May 11, 2018 at 1700 hours at David Meerman Scott Ballroom

All employees receive new corporate handbooks

Drinks and appetizers. Nanaimo’s Diana Krall plays jazz piano

Dinner at 1900 hours

20:00- Fantasia CEO gives welcoming opening address and plan for the next two days

20:30 – Sharon Osbourne connects with all staff and shares here strategic vision

21:00- Big Wreck and Jesse Roper play acoustic sets

24:00 – End of opening ceremony.

Saturday May 12-

09:00 in auditorium- Employee brochures, organization charts are given to attendees entering auditorium

Welcoming address from Kenneth Himes, Public Relations Specialist

Subjects to include: SWOT analysis, corporate communication objectives, key messages, priorities, and evaluation. Strategic goals and objectives, organizations characteristics and targeting audiences through communication tools

10:00 – CEO and Sharon Osbourne join Ken to announce new name of our merged organization.

10:30 – Coffee and health break

11:00 – Unveil new primary communication website along with navigating company intranet

11:30- Questions and answers

12-00- 1:00 pm – Lunch in hotel restaurants.

13:00 – Introduction of team leaders to include: security, marketing, media relations, tech teams. volunteer services, drivers, sales, administration staff, CSR, medical,and cooking teams

14:00- Organization chart unveiled

14:30 – Training opportunities

15:00 -Vacation and benefits,

16:00 – Depart with company lists and contact information.

DAY 3 Sunday May 13 2018

09:00 – Welcome back

09:30- Company and event insurance policies

10:00- Lecture on information technology, communication tools, financial, communication and human resources plans

10:30- Refreshments and health break

11:00- 12:00- Issues and crises management team (PR Department)

12:00- 13:00 lunch at hotel restaurants

13:00 – Future roles and departmental shift

14:00- social media and corporate ethics in action

15:00- integrity, responsibility and accountability

!500-15:30 – Questions and answers with CEO and Mr. Himes

!530- 16:00- How to use all company communication tools and two- way communication going forward.

16:00 – Prepare for transportation to merged companies’ corporate office and warehouse for tours

I am not sure what the original intent was when this assignment was developed, but I would say no more than 3 key messages that should complement one another and support your overall business objectives.

Cite our book  on Trump 184?

Employee Communication for the Best Post-Merger Outcome

Posted 28 May 2008 by Susan Grantham


https://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/concert-tour4.htm  from How Concert Tours Work – by Diane Dannenfeldt



International MMA Events

This can be a tumultuous time for us. Some may fear change, growth, and job status. However, we are going to address any concerns you have throughout our merger through two-way communication and many other communication tools. All media inquiries will be redirected to Kenneth Himes our new public relations professional with a background in sports promotion and event planning.

Q- Why the merger?

More profits, international travel and acquiring world class talent. We recognized a need to grow away from our Canadian only tours and go international.

Q- Will any of us lose jobs, hours of work or benefits?

A- No, there will be more work for everyone, with more tours planned for international audiences. The more people that join our team will assist us in paying into our benefits and pension fund improving all of our benefits. The profitability gap between both organizations has been addressed and will be communicated directly at out international seminar from May 11-13, 2018

Q- Touring internationally will require a lot of our personal time. Do we have to go on every tour date?

ANo, we are hiring causal employment to fill in for our employees while they are on leave for personal reasons.

Q- Will my job duties or position be eliminated?

A- Not only will you still have your job duties, we will be training many of you do other team members jobs. Many of you will be employed as team leaders. The regular members will get first opportunity at these exciting career transitions.

Q- What will the new organizational structure look like?

A- At the seminar the CEO will unveil all the new personal/rolls through a PowerPoint presentation.  

Q- Will I fit in with the culture of the new company

A- Our greatest assets are our (Fantasians) employees. This will not change. Sharon Osbourne impressed upon us how this world class philanthropist treats her staff and fans. Her philosophy aligns directly with our approach to employee relations and corporate social responsibility.

Q- Who do we contact when we hear rumors?

A- Contact our public relations officer Kenneth Himes who has established a communication plan consisting of crisis management/issues management team dedicated to honest ethical protocols. Himes can be reached by email wagthedog@shaw.ca. Kenneth will be there,  seven days a week until the transformation is complete.

Sharon Osbourne of Sharon  Osboune Management  (SOM)

March 15, 2018

Dear Staff

Thanks for opening your new, personal, and secure email service today and clicking on this exciting original blog. This history making merger will improve all our careers.  All of you at Fantasia Event Management (FEM) are finding out today, before the international media and fans, about this concert merger and huge partnership we are entering. Our key messages are to bring affordable and green professional concerts music fans around the world.

Prior to going public with our Twitter account, Facebook, Instagram, and news release/media advisory tools, we are communicating with our family first about the merger.  We are proud to be blending with the world renown team of Sharon Osbourne Management (SOM) to produce epic concerts. Not bad for a Canadian team that was formed only five years ago in Victoria BC.

This new deal was finalized, after weeks of negotiation with our team leaders, Sharon Osbourne and her lawyers. This new partnership will be complimentary, creating more jobs, more financial assets, and create world-wide travel opportunities / promotions for all of you at our Canadian headquarters in Vancouver BC.  Our new merger will give us a wider scope of practice in working with international stars and at world class venues.

The new members from the USA and Great Britain will join us. These veteran professionals will include technical, sound, and lighting crews, that are highly skilled, team players. We will all be getting together for our educational and training sessions starting the weekend of May 12-13th 2018.  Introductions, and an opening ceremony will be on Friday the May 11th at the Hotel Vancouver’s David Meerman Scott Ballroom.

Moving forward into 2018 we will all be training for deployments across the globe. We will discover new skills, and team building exercises, as we prepare for a bigger musical experience. Our staff will double in size. We are already preparing to train all of you in the intricate art and science of event planning and concert management and upgrading our technical skills for larger affordable green concert venues.

Through these three blogs you will know everything possible in preparation for our three-day educational seminar weekend

As our rolls and responsibilities shift we can expect some confusion. We will communicate with all of you through these blogs including questions and answers and the seminar schedule.